Mercian Hockey

Product Highlights

Find out more about different parts of our range. With a full range of products that are available in over 30 countries around the world we are confident we can offer you something to match your requirements – but we don’t do shoes!

Products Online

Elite Series Sticks

The new Elite Series are the highest specification sticks we have ever made. Top grade carbon fibre and uniquely blended resins create sticks with optimised playing characteristics.

Goalkeeping Kickers

Multiple layers of heat bonded foam create kickers with exceptional protection and incredible rebound. With options for every level of play, take your kicking to the next level.

Indoor Gloves

Full palm with a silicon rubber printed grip and a moulded foam rear create a perfect indoor (can be worn outdoor too!) glove. Available in left and right hand.


Mercian is all about relationships. A player’s relationship with their equipment but also the company’s relationship with it’s customers – understanding needs and answering desires – Simon Mason MD

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GU22 9JX. UK